The technical is entrusted with all activities aimed to repair and to maintain in best condition the installations and port facilities, as well as boats, navigation aids, handling equipment and the equipments which allow the port to make technical assistance on ships.
Technical main objective is to make ready and operational 24 hours all equipments (floating and handling) which can be used by the operations in order to allow the ships to reach the port quickly and without damage, and to be left to their posts alongside the quay safely while their cargoes are loaded, unloaded.
Subsequently to the improved services provided by the technical department, ie: better planning of maintenance equipments, elaboration of a preventive and corrective actions for all recurrent problems, new and clear procedures set all over the division.
Sophisticated materials are used to carry out maintenance of port equipments and to enhance the way of maintaining.
The productivity of the TC has shown a significant increase recently and even reached records especially thanks to the high availability of equipments because the result of the operations depends almost completely on the equipment. To have a good availability of equipments daily inspection is carry out on equipments.
The maintenance of the equipment provided by the Technical Department is therefore vitally important. To optimize the maintenance operations, a system of management of computer maintenance called Maximo is set up at the Technical Department.
The same system covers the needs of area infrastructure which is in charge of maintenance of port (buildings, hangars, roads, docks, etc. ….) and the Purchasing Department.
The introduction of new and efficient IT tools such as the Computerized Maintenance Management System MAXIMO for the management of assets, stores and material control, the purchasing and many other sector of the Port , the use of specially dedicated software for engine repair illustrates the commitment of the engineering department to the international standards.
Maximo remains a vital tool to manage better the fleet of equipments as well as the rational management of stores.
Stock logistic manages the material (Spare parts, lubricant and fuel) required by all equipment maintenance and operating process, with two warehouses.